Stay motivated to lose weight.

Are you your main competition to stay motivated to lose weight?


How badly do you want to look and feel amazing, have abundant energy, eliminate fatigue, lose weight, and live a long and youthful life?

Yes, changing your diet to lose weight, gain energy or simply feel better is ALWAYS challenging. A wealth of research (confirmed by years of experience with my clients) show you will succeed if you know how badly you want this and the reasons why it seems so difficult for you.

Could it be a fear of change, a lack of support, or perhaps low motivation? A combination of all three? More? Whatever the reason, there is no simple answer. Sometimes, you need to ask the right questions to find the answer.

FIRST OF ALL, HERE IS A LIST OF THE 10 KEY QUESTIONS to help you uncover what’s needed to reclaim your health and stay motivated to lose weight.

  1. What are the reasons behind your desire to lose weight?
  2. What will be the consequences to your life and health if you don’t lose weight?
  3. What do you believe is a healthy rate of weight loss and is it realistic?
  4. Are you interested in quick results only or are you ready to be patient?
  5. Is this a good time in your life right now to make changes to your lifestyle?
  6. Are other people supportive of your efforts to lose weight?
  7. What events/circumstances or people are most likely to make you fall off your healthy lifestyle plan? Are they the same that made you fall off the last time you tried to have a healthier life?
  8. Are you ready to challenge what you know about nutrition?
  9. How reliant are you on processed, packaged and take-away foods?
  10. What are 3 things you think you need to begin doing to lose weight? Can you do it?

The more honestly you answer these questions, the clearer your personal answer to weight loss will be. You’ll be then in a good position to start your life-changing journey to better health.

Have this image as a screen saver to stay motivated to lose weight!

TO KEEP THE MOMENTUM GOING, in addition to the critical support of your nutrition coach (wink, wink!), these 3 tools will be very useful to reach your goals:

  1. Begin a journal to track your progress as you move through this program. Note how you feel throughout your day. When do you get hungry? When do you eat, and what do you eat? What emotions do you experience before, during, and after you eat? Write down whatever you can to give yourself greater insight as you move forward in your journey.
  1. Before beginning the plan take a “before” photo and any appropriate measurements and/or indicators if you wish. This will give you another means of comparison as you move through your plan. It’s easy to forget just how far you’ve come, so this gentle reminder may give you powerful leverage to reach your goals.
  1. Write down 3 important goals that you need to achieve and why you need to achieve them. Have the goals visible and read them aloud at least once per day. I would recommend you write them down as if they’ve already been attained.

Never forget what you will get from your nutrition program:

•       Greater productivity at work or in your business

•       Greater physical performance and quicker recovery

•       Healthy, long-term and sustained weight loss

•       Healthier skin, hair, and nails – you will have a glow!

•       Dramatically improved energy

•       More motivation

•       Less fear and more willingness to take challenges head-on

•       Improved ability to prevent sickness and disease

•       Increased chance of prolonging your life while living in great health

And much, much, much more…

FINALLY FOR MANY PEOPLE, WHETHER THEY WANT TO MAKE A SMALL CHANGE OR RECLAIM THEIR HEALTH, THE ANSWER IS VERY SIMPLE: DON’T DO IT ALONE.  Research shows they will dramatically increase their success at making consistently better day-to-day choices if they have support. (by the way, BONJOUR 2015 is exactly about offering this critical support. It’s still time to join as we have just started week one, the preparation week!).

As usual I would like you to take action NOW.

  •    Go back to the 10 questions and answer them to know how badly you want this.
  •    Leave a comment below.
  •    Share this blog post with your loved ones.

Stay motivated and talk to you next week!


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